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How can I add my business to EasyLinkTo directory?You need to click on “Add Your Business” on the home page to open the sign-up form. Type in the required listing information including but not limited to your state, category, business name, etc. You also need to select a photo for your business on the bottom of the form. It is recommended to upload a high quality photo for a better presentation of your business. Hit submit at the end of the form to send your request for our review and approval.
How can I find the business I am looking for on EasyLinkTo website?First, select your desired state from the interactive map on the home page or alternatively, from the graphic list of states below the map. Second, select the city you are interested in finding the business in. Now, you can find the main categories available on EasyLinkTo website. Clicking on each category will direct you to the subcategories available for the selected category and you will find the related businesses there. Moreover, you can always use the search bar on EasyLinkTo website that will direct you to the links with the related information you are looking for.
How do I know which category to select when trying to add my business to EasyLinkTo directory?You may take your best guess at it and select the category that is closest to your business. We can adjust your business category as needed to match our directory or make a new category in case it is not already available in our listing.
How can EasyLinkTo facilitate connections among Iranian Businesses?EasyLinkTo will serve as a centralized platform for Iranian businesses to connect with a wider target audience in the US and vice versa. Businesses can explore potential partnerships and improve collaborations. EasyLinkTo could also serve as a hub for sharing resources, knowledge, and expertise.
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